In order to get into a top university it’s not enough simply to do well at school. Universities want students who are passionate about their subject, who think for themselves and who are independent learners.

Nelli Chaming , School Liaison Officer from Oxford University, visited The Friary today to help prepare our students hoping to apply to Russell Group universities. The message was clear – if you’re thinking about university, you need to focus on what you are really interested in and develop that interest from an early age.

Students from Y7, Y10 and Y12 took park in workshops and debates designed to help them develop the skills universities see as key. Critical thinking, problem solving, thinking on your feet and being able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of a subject through independent learning are vital. Ms Chaming, an Oxford University graduate herself, was on hand to answer intricate questions, participate in debates and offer first hand advice to our students.

Mrs Cain, Director of Sixth Form, said: “Making a successful application to a Russell Group university is highly competitive. The presentation and workshops our students were able to participate in today will help put them ahead of the game and give them the confidence to make an informed choice about which subjects to study, where to study and give them the best possible chance to receive offers from the top universities in the country.”