The Friary School’s PTA has proved a great fund-raiser to the school in recent years and the on-going refurbishments to the canteen reflect the amazing work of this fantastic group of parents.

The next few weeks see some key dates for your diary and we would urge all parents to get involved and attend:

Friday 8th June – Wine Tasting Evening at Worth Brothers, Lichfield:

This event costs £15 per person for copious tastes, great entertainment and some snacks too. Tickets available at The Friary Online Shop.

Tuesday 12th – Thursday 14th June – Bugsy Malone:

The PTA bar will be running each night for this fantastic show – splurge guns and all. Tickets available from the school and ParentPay.

Thursday 21st June – New Y7 Parents Evening:

The PTA will be attending to recruit new members and to show off the great events, activities and support that runs throughout the year.

Thursday 5th July – The Summer Sizzler:

This popular event will be taking place in the evening – music, stalls, activities, food and drink. Tickets will come out soon in all the usual places.

Friday 21st September – Oktoberfest:

This event was a huge success this year – with great businesses like Joules Brewery & Packington Pork sponsoring the event – so it returns by popular demand. Tickets available in the new term but put it in your diary now.

Lottie Hearn, Assistant Headteacher, said: “A school needs parents on board to be successful – our students cannot flourish and be successful without a strong relationship between home and school. Our PTA embody all that is good about parental support in school and if you cannot help out, your attendance at these events would be welcome, and we know you will have a good time.”