Last week saw the interviews for the senior student roles in the Sixth Form – with six headline roles available and 1 person per role. The posts consisted of a Head Boy, a Head Girl, a Deputy Head Boy or Girl (as well as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors), a Charities Co-Ordinator, an Events Co-Ordinator and a Chair of the School Council.

The roles demand a high level of skills and the ‘job spec’ talked about being an “Ambassador” for the school at internal and external events; acting as a role model to all students, supporting the ethos and values of the school, and acting as an anti-bullying ambassador; raising the profile of the Sixth Form within the school and ensuring it plays an active part in the wider school community; and representing the school at public events e.g. presentation evenings & open evenings.

The students had to make formal applications and face a gruelling interview and the latter was all the more challenging as there were some exceptional candidates.

After much deliberation the appointments were made and we now have a ‘Senior Six’ of:

Head Boy – James O’Donnell
Head Girl – Sophie Ellett
Deputy Head Boy – Jaye Camacho
Charities Co-Ordinator – Harry Barton
Events Co-Ordinator – Isobel Duignan
Chair of School Council – Sophie Patrick

Carrie Cain, Assistant Headteacher, said: “There was a tremendously strong field and so to gain a post is a particularly impressive achievement. These leadership roles are a key part of the whole-school ethos of encouraging students to take a lead and they offer great preparation for post-school life. Huge congratulations too all those applied, but especially to the Senior Six.”