Last weekend saw 46 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze students trek across the Peak District in a series of walks deigned to develop their orienteering, team work and resilience. The walks covered the area around Pilsbury and involved the walks, carrying of all kit, overnight camping, and self-sufficiency on the cooking and tent-building..
The weather was very kind – although there were a few accidental night lights as red tans were not uncommon after the Saturday – and in most cases the map reading was a huge success.
The expeditions were the dummy-run for the assessed activities next month but there is no doubt that the weekend sharpened the skills and ironed out a few glitches that mean the formally assessed tasks should run without a hitch.
The students were also supported by ten staff who gave up their weekend, as well as staff family members and school governors.
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “The students were fantastic throughout the weekend but special thanks must go to Mrs Brough who again orchestrated the expedition. The D of E is a hugely valuable experience and we are very proud of our high participation rates each year. It is very much a case of everyone pulling together – including parents who provide the moral support and top notch kit – and it will be great to see how the May assessments go.”