Following the recent poor weather conditions the boys went into this match with lack of preparation and on paper were not the favourites against a well drilled team who train on a regular basis.

However the Friary team immediately put pressure on the opposition winning many short corners but unfortunately just kept going wide with missed opportunities on the post. Soon after Sam Grainger made a speedy run into the Abbotsholme D and with a sneaky reverse stick shot fired home Friary’s first goal.

In the second half Abbotsholme came back hard and made a number of stick challenges which unlucky for Robbie Honey saw a ball come off a stick into his face and requiring immediate medical attention and trip to the hospital. We are happy to hear that he is recovering well after needing stitches.

Minutes before the final whistle Friary made a number of skilful runs through the oppositions midfield and fired balls into the D for Callum Bobel to miss putting the ball wide, however he did manage a final attempt picking up a rebound off his stick scoring the second and final goal of the match.

Kim Fallows, team coach, said: “The team demonstrated superb team work and resilience and things bode well for the next match against Cathedral School on Thursday 22nd March.”