Last year we were one of the biggest local schools involved in the National Citizens Service and this year we are on course to top the 30 students who signed up last year.

The National Citizens Service is a 3-4 week experience over the summer (so post-Y11 exams) that helps build confidence, extend self-belief, live away from home for a week, meet new people, and get involved in a series of exciting projects. It does come with a small charge – £50 – but for everything involved it is well worthwhile and looks good on any future application.

The students last year hugely enjoyed the experience and we are delighted that the following students have signed up for this summer:

Isabelle Acton                   Jordan Allen                      Jack Baines                         Oliver Barnard
Annie Bates                       Millie Beddow                  Milly Bennett                    Sophie Briggs
Izzi Burgin                           Felicity Carden                 Emily Clachan                    Amy Cundill
Jasmine Hale                     Lee Hames                         Natasha Hammond         Stephanie Hart
Joshua Hirst                       Marcus John                      Bella Lopes                         Abigail Lowther
Lucia Luciano                     Declan Mann                     Francesca Massey           Alice McCormick
Danielle McDonald           Luke Mitchell                    Bethany Niven                  Niall Preston
Elle Shaw                            Lewis Stanley                    Helena Stokes                  Lucas Tennant
Maddie White

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “The end of the exams until the start of the next academic year is a long time and many Year 11s can fail to recognise now that they will enjoy this time far more if they plan ahead and get some activities organised. The National Citizens Service is a wonderful provider and I know the students involved last year got a tremendous amount from it.”