Everyone knows that the new Sixth Form Level 3 BTECS are more rigorous and definitely set a high level of challenge. This is good news in terms of raising standards and preparing students for Higher Education and employment; but less exciting for those facing the tough exams.
Even so, our Level 3 BETC Health & Social Care course saw a 100% pass rate for Y12s with 2 x Pass, 4 x Merit and 1 x Distinction; Ellie Battison, Megan Crowther, Aimee Hedgecox, Charley Williams, Suzannah Zecca, Lucy Postle and Rachel Turner deserve high praise, as does the Head of Health & Social Care, Ms Fallows, who has set the course for this year.
Elsewhere, the Y13 BTEC Sport results also achieved the 100% pass level on the tough Anatomy & Physiology units with 1 x Merit and 5 x Distinction. Again, huge praise to Adam Cook, Holly Garner, Callum McCue, Niamh Murphy, Danielle Oxley and Alexander Smith. Equally, the PE team are facing the new courses so Mr Foster (Head of PE) and Ms Bennett deserve all the plaudits too.
There are further successes in the latest round of results in Level 3 BTEC ICT and Level 2 BTEC Creative Technology.
Oli Forster, Assistant Headteacher, said: “The BTEC courses are definitely not an easy-ride and these exams were challenging and demanded plenty of hard work. Even so, it is fantastic to see such superb results and the combined emphasis on practical and academic study superbly prepares students for both Higher Education and the world of work. There is lots more to do, but these results are certainly a cause for celebration.”