The latest round of refurbishment are taking place at The Friary School as we work hard to make sure our students have the best possible facilities.
Regular readers will be well aware that the school holidays are very busy time in terms of site development and this holiday is no different. There are rooming changes, more re-flooring, the completion of the canteen refurbishment, new windows going in a plenty, as well as important routine maintenance that keeps update facilities in tip-top condition.
There is a wide body of research that evidences high-quality school facilities improve student outcomes and The Friary School certainly agrees with this line of thinking. Indeed US researchers have argued: “A large body of research over the past century has consistently found that school facilities impact teaching and learning in profound ways. Yet state and local policymakers often overlook the impact facilities can play in improving outcomes for both teachers and students. While improving facilities comes at a financial cost, the benefits of such investments often surpass the initial fiscal costs. Policymakers, thus, should focus greater attention on the impacts of facilities and adopt a long-term cost-benefit perspective on efforts to improve school facilities.”
Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “All of our site development work is meticulously planned so that it is staggered through the holidays. We have timelines that cannot slip as lessons must never be delayed so jobs can be finished. We are fortunate to work with some superb contractors, and have a skilled and enthusiastic site maintenance team, and this is why we have school facilities that equal or better any in the region.”