We take great pride in helping our students to seize every opportunity around them and being proactive on tracking apprenticeships so you know the options, entry routes, grade requirements, etc, is a vital part of making sure you deliver at school.

There still remains a misguided notion that university is the only route. Clearly, universities are a great option, but with tuition fees and an insecure job market it would be foolish not to consider the higher-level apprenticeship route.

There are a great many apprenticeships which offer a university degree which is paid for, includes work placements, funding for living costs and a guaranteed job at the end of it.

The best place to keep up-to-speed with local apprenticeships was previewed at a recent Raising Aspirations Evening and is at: www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship. Many parents were surprised to see that top-level apprenticeships were available in the legal profession, the IT sector and nuclear energy.

Carrie Cain, Assistant Headteacher, said: “Taking the route of Sixth Form study and the  higher-level apprenticeship is an excellent option and not one anyone should discount. We have a strong support team to help any application – whether to university or apprenticeship – and have a track record of success. If you find out where you want to go, and put the work in, then there is a great chance we will help get you there.”