Friary staff continue to put in the hours to haul as many students over the line as we possibly can – this week it was the turn of Science teachers (Mr Hunt & Mr Awbery) to give up their Saturday morning to lead Science boosters for the looming mock exams.
All KS4 students have passwords to Educake ( – a fantastic online Science revision resource – and today’s Saturday School saw students working through that with their teachers on hand to iron out any gaps or misunderstandings. The evidence shows that are great many students are putting in the hours and doing all they can to hit their targets.
Our Saturday School programme is running right up to the exams and there will be session for other year groups as we run through the school year. The sessions have an open invite – so for many students it is voluntary – but for the students not quite pulling their weight then there is a greater element of compulsion.
Oli Forster, Assistant Headteacher, said: “We are proud to be a school that goes the extra mile for our students and our Saturday School is a good example of that. Students come in wearing their own clothes, hot drinks and snacks are freely available, and the atmosphere is very different to day-to-day school. The extra commitment staff put in encourages students and families to do the same and by all puling in the same direction anyone can succeed.”