We have been notified by our catering contractor, Chartwells, that they are having to increase prices on some items over the next few weeks.

Chartwells have said that: “We have tried to mitigate the rising price in food products… (but) there are lots of factors we cannot escape from: (i) increased costs of imported goods; (ii) higher food prices due to the reliance on imported food; (iii) UK-based farmers shifting production abroad due to increased labour costs; (iv) a weaker pound means food becomes more expensive for companies and consumers; and (v) both CPI and RPI are predicted to rise.”

Chartwells went on to say: “The inflation that we have experienced this year to date includes fruit and veg +18.3%, dairy and cheese +34.4%, and fish and seafood +18.0% and we expect this to rise again by 4-5% in the coming months.”

Wendy Bennett, School Business Manager, said: “We review our catering provision on a regular basis and can recognise some of these increases from our own weekly shopping bill. We will continue to monitor costs and act in any way we can to support families at our school in receiving high quality food at the best prices we can manage.”