We take a great deal of pride in reflecting on Remembrance Week – both in terms of the wider theme but also our own wish to make the most of our lives and those of the people around us.
Of course, this Focus Week saw special assemblies, themed tutor time activities, and themed current affairs questions but there was much more besides.
Students designed their own red poppies and wrote on them what the poppy meant to them. This was then transformed into an art exhibition in the art gallery area and now the poppies cascade down from the stairs leading up into the theatre seating.
Elsewhere, students took part in an art and poetry competition linked into the theme of Remembrance and the winners, Myles Thain and Seb Nash, joined Sixth Formers to lay a wreath at the National Arboretum. Other poems deserving praise included those by Laura-Lily Bickley (10J1) and Amelie Menaut (7J2).
We also got involved in supporting other schools Remembrance services with our Head Boy, Jack Askew, dropping in to St James Primary, Longdon, to play ‘The Last Post’ as part of their commemorations.
Lottie Hearn, Assistant Headteacher, said: “Our students engage fantastically well with Remembrance – whether it be the minute silence, entering competitions, or working with external bodies like the National Arboretum. It is a special time in the school and the commitment and projects just seem to get better and better.”