Myles Thain’s Remembrance poem was joint winner of the Remembrance Poetry Competition and resulted in him laying our commemorative wreath at the National Arboretum:
An Exam
Is there an exam for fighting or an exam for war,
Life death, hatred and so much more?
Is there a test of fear,
A test of pain or a test of your faith in God’s holy name?
Is it a question of people, a question of joy
Or a question of how to eat raw savaloy?
Is it an exam of friendship, trust and awe,
Or is everything you studied locked behind a door?
Is it a test of your aim, a test of a shot,
Or whether to do it or not?
Is it a question to hide or a question to run
Or a question whether we should give up and look on?
Is it an exam of wanting, an exam of greed
Or an exam of what us humans need?
Is it a test of devotion or what you see,
Or is it a test of how you will agree with what they want you to be?
Is it a question of peace, a question of guns
Or a question of accurate bombing runs?
These are the things you were not told and the things you were not asked
For the truth of the ugly war would be quick to become unmasked.
Remembrance Day is here for you and the others that, with you, fell.
Remembrance Day is here to help those affected with the poppies we sell.
Stand high hero, stand high with us all,
This day is here for you because you answered our country’s call.
Your final exam is over and your life has gotten an ‘A’,
So travel up to heaven, where everything is okay.
Lottie Hearn, Assistant Headteacher, said: “Amongst a high number of entries, Myles’ work stood out and we were pleased to reward him for his contribution.”