The after-school booster classes are already well into the swing of things with sessions planned through the year and attendance levels already hitting already hitting the highs.

The GCSE History Masterclass was co-ordinated by Miss Gray and targeted top level skills using very different learning styles to keep engagement and enthusiasm high in an extended school day.

The session saw both knowledge mobiles and linking chains and the feedback was very positive from the 48 students who attended.

Matt Allman, Headteacher said: “The History Department have mapped out a series of sessions targeted at all ability levels and this popular booster reflects the hard-work and creativity that has gone into the planning. There are sessions going on from all subjects and we would encourage all students and parents to be pro-active in keeping in the loop and turning up. It is no coincidence that this students who put in the graft, come out with the success. You get out what you have put in.”