We are keen to make parents aware of the work and training that goes on to prevent anti-extremism and radicalisation developing in our school and community.
Extremism is defined as the vocal or active opposition to our fundamental values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and respect and tolerance for different faiths and beliefs. We also regard calls for the death of members of our armed forces as extremist.(Source: Counter Extremism Strategy, October 2015)
This extremism can come in many different forms: it could be the global rise of Islamist extremism or the threat from extreme right-wing groups who share an ideology based on intense hostility to minorities and a belief that violence between ethnic and religious groups is inevitable
The school educates our students on these issues through classroom teaching, assemblies, Focus Weeks and partnership work with external organisations. Staff and governors are also trained to recognise and deal with the challenges of extremism and our E-safety security systems track any concerns that emerge.
Any parents who wish to learn more about anti-extremism can undertake the free e-learning training course provided by the DfE which is available at: https://www.elearning.prevent.homeoffice.gov.uk/
Alternatively, useful websites include: