Last year saw the school set up our Attendance Action Plan and it successfully took school attendance from below national averages to above national averages.

This means that students are more likely to attend school when they are at The Friary School than at most other secondary schools.

We have continued this hard work this school year and at the end of our first half-term we have an attendance figure of 95.28% which remains above most schools. This figure is all the more impressive so early in the school year when a single absence counts far more than it does at the end of the academic year.

We are continuing with our rewards – such as Silverblades vouchers, free breakfasts with senior staff and rewards in assemblies – but are also maintaining our sanctions including  Attendance Clinics, attendance reports and parental meetings.

Naturally, attendance plays a big part in our House system so every day in school counts towards the House Cups and the big end-of-year rewards.

Ian Rose, Deputy Headteacher said: “It is true to say that your chances of being happy and successful at school reduces as your time out of school increases. There is a clear link between under-achievement and absence. Naturally, there are occasions when students (and staff) can be unwell, but our expectation is that everyone should be in each and every day. It is great to see that the vast majority of students are managing just this.”