The first Sports Day in the new era of Houses at The Friary saw Johnson House run out winners after a series of impressive performances brought them a commanding tally.

The final placings saw:

  1. Johnson – 797 points
  2. Garrick – 719 points
  3. Darwin – 688 points
  4. Seward – 674 points

Amongst some superb times, school records were broken by Freya Gregory (Y9 – Johnson) and Lauren Riley (Y8 – Seward) breaking their respective year groups records in the 100m sprint.

Equally competitively, the inaugural staff relay competition initially saw Garrick led home by Mr Britton, who glided, passed slo-mo Mr Purkiss, but the major surprise was Mr Cartner breaking the veteran record and the sound barrier down the home straight as he brought home Garrick B.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “The first House Sports Day went very well and it was great to see all year groups cheering on one another on in their House. Likewise, the emergence of team names like the Seward Swans and the Garrick Giants shows we have some major branding to come. We have some ideas to make an already successful event even bigger next year.”