Our on-going celebration of outstanding attendance brought our half-termly breakfast event where students with the best and most improved attendance receive a free ‘bagels and juice’ breakfast with senior staff.
The event builds on other breakfasts, as well as further rewards including free tickets to Sliverblades ice-skating rink.
All evidence shows that those students who attend less than 95% are statistically less likely to achieve a strong set of GCSE results so it is vital that every effort is made to ensure children are in school – even when they are feeling slightly under the weather.
Our work in this area has seen our attendance levels improve significantly this year and we are now better than national averages for both overall absence and persistent absence (the proportion of students who have an attendance rate below 90%).
Ian Rose, Deputy Headteacher, said: “I am delighted to stage these breakfast events with our students and we value the chance to praise the students who are making a real difference to their lives simply by turning up. These sort of projects have made a real difference this year and we are looking to build further on our attendance work next school year.”