Y10 student Steph Hart, scored further international success in her age group at the recent European Championships as she took 1 x Gold (Fighting) and 2 x Silver (Fighting & Kata).

The on-going victories now see her hold titles at British, European and World level and with further events on the horizon it is likely more medals will be coming her way.

Indeed, these successes have seen her recognised as the ‘Students’ Student of the Year’ at Lichfield Sport Karate Club where she is very much a role model to the younger fighters.

Matt Allman, Headteacher, said: “We have students competing on the international stage throughout the year groups but Steph’s repeated successes are truly incredible. Despite a big training commitment, she remains focused on her studies and we count it as a real feather in our cap that she attends our school and that we can offer our support to such success.”

For more details on Lichfield Sports Karate Club – visit http://lichfieldsportkarateclub.webs.com/.