The Sixth Form was identified as ‘good’ by OFSTED (Nov 2017) and the results that brought this judgement have been maintained since:

“Pupils at the school make good progress in the sixth form because of good teaching. Recent revisions to the sixth-form curriculum have ensured that there is a suitable range of subjects for pupils to study. Vocational subjects performed very strongly in 2017. After their time in the sixth form, students go on to succeed in suitable education or training opportunities, including at Russell Group universities.”

Year 13 – Summer 2019 Results

Measurement School National Average
Y13 – Overall Value Added + 0.38 0.00
Y13 – A-Level Value Added + 0.33 0.00
Y13 – Academic Value Added + 0.34 0.00
Y13 – Vocational Value Added + 0.58 0.00

This data means that the school ensures that students make at least good progress overall whatever their starting point on entering the Sixth Form. These results compare favourably to all local Sixth Forms – whether they be comprehensive or grammar.

The key area for development for the school from the Summer 2019 results was to maintain the excellent results in Sixth Form provision in the context of an increasingly able cohorts coming through from Year 11.

The legacy curriculum has hampered school measurements and the inclusion of add-backs (dropped AS-results, etc) then the school figures will come in slightly lower – though still in line with national averages. Indeed, the Summer 2019 A-Level results would be higher still if only students who completed their courses were counted – a benchmark far above national averages and other local providers.

Progression Routes

The Y13 students who departed after the Summer 2019 results went onto the following destinations:

No. of Students Entering University 69 % of Students Getting 1st  University Choice 87%
% of Student Getting into Russell Group 30% NEETs 0%

Further Information:

For more information about the Sixth Form Achievement & Progression, please contact Carrie Cain, Assistant Headteacher, via office@friaryschool.co.uk.