Attendance Record – September 2021 – July 2022

The following attendance record is for the Full Governors Meetings and is updated on a termly basis and refers to the academic year 2021-2022:


Name of Governor Type of Governor Mon 13 Sept 2021 Tues 19 Oct 2021 Wed 8 Dec 2021 Wed 26 Jan 2022 Tues 8 Mar 2022 Wed 11 May 2022 Mon 27 June 2022
Mr Greg Sugden Parent Y N N Y Y Y N
Mrs Nicola Townsend Parent Y N N Y N Y Y
Mrs Lyse Edwards Co-Opted N/A N/A N/A N/A Y Y Y
Mrs Jo Hutchison Co-Opted Y N Y Y Y Y N
Mr Gary Beddow Co-Opted Y Y Y Y N Y Y
Mrs Anne Carlisle Co-Opted Y Y N Y N Y Y
Mrs Nina Worrall Co-Opted Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Mrs Jane Mackenzie Co-Opted Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs Michelle Painter Trustee Y Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Mrs Angie Brough Staff Y N Y N Y Y N
Mr Matt Allman Staff Y Y Y Y Y Y Y