PHSE Focus Weeks
Our PHSE (Personal, Health, Social & Economic Education) curriculum programme is integrated into a Focus Week schedule which is an exciting and imaginative scheme designed to combine the teaching of important themes – across a wide range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural topics – alongside a sense of competition, engagement and fun.
The Focus Weeks see a theme being addressed throughout the week via tutor times and assemblies which is then extended by specific events, celebrations and trips. There could be a tutor group competition with fantastic prizes or a student-led assembly presenting the topic, a trip to a related landmark or a special guest talking to students.
Furthermore, specific Focus Weeks will have PHSE Drop Down Days for set Year groups so that age-appropriate PHSE is delivered at set points of the year; whether it be sex and relationships, drugs or online safety.
There is a Focus Week for every week but this year’s half-termly highlights include:
1st Autumn Half-Term
Welcome Back
Festival of Ganesh Charturti (Hinduism)
The House of the Rising Student
World Teacher’s Day
International Day of Older Persons
World Mental Health Day (Y8 PHSE)
Black History Month
2nd Autumn Half-Term
All Saints Day (Christianity)
Anti-Bullying Week
Alcohol Awareness Week (Y9 PHSE)
UK Parliament Week
National Tree Week
Hannukah (Judaism)
House Celebration 1 / Christmas Spirit (Christianity)
1st Spring Half-Term
World Braille Day
Farmhouse Breakfast Week
World Religion Day
Holocaust Memorial Day
Respect Gor All Week
Safer Internet Day (Y7 PHSE)
British Heroes – Charles Dickens
2nd Spring Half-Term
Fair Trade Fortnight
International Women’s Day
National Careers Week
Worlds Theatre Day
House Celebration 2 / Easter Reflection (Christianity)
1st Summer Half-Term
National Pet Month
STD Awareness Week (Y9 PHSE)
Global Campaign for Education Action Week
British Heroines – Mary Seacole
Global Day of Parents
2nd Summer Half-Term
Clean Air Day
World Ocean Day
Refugee Week
Gay Pride Week
National Insect Week
2022-2023 Review Week
House Celebration 3 / School’s Out
Each of the Focus Weeks are celebrated on our website newsfeed and our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts – look out for details…
Foci for 2022-2023
The 2022-2023 programme is leaning towards:
Environmental Awareness:
To ensure that issues relating to our environment and sustainability are thoroughly explored and contextualised in terms of personal responsibilities and obligations.
To ensure that issues relating to Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, and other equality campaigns are considered and respected for their over-riding messages whilst also considering the confusing and at times contradictory messages around them.
School Life / Routines:
To ensure that with the (hopeful) removal of COVID measures we rapidly embed and enforce school routines, expectations, standards and events so that normality arrives quickly and actually comes back better than before.
If you require further information on our Focus Weeks then please contact Matt Allman, Headteacher, via