The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme has been operating for over 60 years and offers fun, adventure and challenge to anyone aged between 14-24.
The progressive Awards come at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels and are all about pushing boundaries, gaining new skills and enhancing CVs and university applications.
The Friary School has a well-established Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and every year students have a fantastic experience and successful pass their respective awards.
This school year sees 28 Year 10 students take on the Bronze Award and 14 Year 11 students take on the Silver Award. There will be weekly training sessions building up to a practice expedition in March / April.
This will then be proceeded by the formally assessed expedition in early May followed by a formal presentation to DofE leaders.
There are regular updates on the school website and Twitter account through the year and if you have any further enquiries about our Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme then please contact Angie Brough (Duke of Edinburgh Leader) via