The school library is a key part of life at The Friary School – whether it be reading for pleasure or researching online, or exploring text-books or catching up on a Home Learning Assignment (HLA).
We have made some adjustments so all students are still able to access the library in a safe way. By using technology, we can also bring some of the benefits of the facility without students having to drop by in every instance.
The library is open from 8.30am until the start of the school day, and from 3.05pm to 4.30pm (Monday to Friday). Like every indoor space, there is a finite capacity to the library. This is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Seating is appropriately distanced and year group bubbles have designated tables.
Year 11 currently have priority access to the library for catch-up work during the second lunch sitting (12.35 – 1.05) daily.
With over 6000 books in the library, both fiction and non-fiction, there is plenty to choose from. The most recent additions to the library are the eight fantastic books shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal.
Although students can browse the bookshelves and choose a book in the traditional way, this can now be done virtually too. Students complete an online book request and can borrow up to 3 books at one time for a 2-week period. The librarian will manage such requests and deliver books to students’ form rooms.
Available books can be viewed via the Resources Catalogue, which is available on the school website. Click Learning then Library. The form for online book orders is also on this page.
You can also find links to Key Stage 3 reading lists and the Accelerated Reader program.
In Year 7, all students receive library orientation lessons to help them make the most of this fantastic resource for years to come, whilst all students benefit from a comprehensive learning programme that develops study skills and equips them to work independently.
Mark Drury, Assistant Headteacher, said: “We are committed to having an active library as a rich source of subject texts and other resources to support to every child’s learning. Most of all, it is there to inspire and encourage reading for pleasure.”